Category Archives: Our Range

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Nursery Use

Category:Mulches,Our Range,Pine Bark

Pine Bark is also available for nursery use. 
The two sizes available are:

Pine Bark 0 – 6 mm

Pine Bark 0 – 16 mm

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Crushed Softfall Chip (Pine)

Category:Playground Softfall Range Tags : 

Crushed Softfall Chip (Pine) is a crushed softwood and is a light creamy white in colour. The product is unscreened which may lead to the occasional full size chip being found. Most of the processed product would fit through a 12mm screen. This product has been popular for playgrounds with younger children as can give a slightly cleaner result after play than the hardwood product. 
A representative sample has been tested to Australian Standards

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Crushed Softfall Chip (Hardwood)

Category:Our Range,Playground Softfall Range Tags : 

Crushed Softfall Chip (Hardwood) is a crushed hardwood chip and is Pink to Red / Brown in Colour, depending on the age of the timber.  Crushed Softfall Chip (Hardwood) is from mixed species. Please contact us for further information.
The product is unscreened which may lead to the occasional full size chip being found, most particles would fit through a 12mm screen.
This is a tried & true softfall option and has been in the market for several years.
A representative sample has been tested to Australian Standards. All hardwood chip is in shorter supply since the changes to native logging were introduced in 2024.  Please check with us for availability.  

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Pine Bark 6 – 22mm

Category:Mulches,Our Range

A smaller and more consistently sized landscape grade Pine Bark.
Best suited to smaller garden beds or where a more uniform-sized appearance is preferred.
The majority of fines under 6 mm are screened out. Limited availability.

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Root Barrier

Category:Our Range

Root Barrier is a plastic barrier product that is used to inhibit root invasion. This product is an easy to use, cost-effective product that structurally sounds permanent barrier. The product is packaged for easy handling and shipping.

Root Barrier is available in full rolls of 15 or 30 linear meters only.

Depths available are; 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm and 2000mm

For further information please phone our office or refer to the Root Barrier Website. Technical information can be obtained by calling Root Barrier direct on 1300 136 644.
All sales for Western Australia will be referred back to WA & J King Pty Ltd for supply and pricing.

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Hardwood Chip

Category:Mulches,Our Range

We are able to supply an export quality Hardwood Chip for Landscape use. This is an all natural product, with no additional additives. The chip is screened and is a flat, mostly square chip.
Colour variations are always apparent in natural timber products, Hardwood Chip can vary from a light Pink to a dark pinkish/red.
Hardwood will sometimes contain a little over or under size pieces in the load. Young timber has a very light appearance that can sometimes look like a pine chip.
Hardwood Chip will be from a mixed species. Currently Karri is in stock which is a lighter colour.
Hardwood chip will darken with moisture and sunlight exposure to give a flush of dark red colour, fading to a silver colour over time.  

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Shredded Pine Bark

Category:Mulches,Our Range,Pine Bark

A general-purpose landscaping grade bark.
Contains some nuggety pieces and some longer strip-shaped pieces.

A larger and more rustic looking grade than 6-22 mm. The majority of fines under 22 mm are screened out. Better suited to larger area applications and where the wind is a problem.