Category Archives: Our Range

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Pine Mix

Category:Our Range,Stable & Animal Beddings

All pine product, a mix of fine dusty sawdust with some shavings.
Variations will occur between loads, available in full loads direct from the mill for the budget-conscious or in 6 cubic metre “Bluey” loads.
Dustier but softer & more absorbent than other options.
Also available bagged for pickup.

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Hardwood Screenings

Category:Bagged Products,Our Range

Coarse Hardwood sawdust, can be mixed species.
A good option for pathways and arenas. Dark red-brown colour


Limited availability.    Give us a call before pickup to check stock.

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Jarrah Sawdust

Category:Bagged Products,Our Range

A fine red, Jarrah sawdust.
Not recommended for horses.
Can be used for smoking.

Product in red striped Bags.

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Dust Extracted Pine Shavings

Category:Bagged Products,Our Range

Pine shavings.
Dust has been removed prior to packaging.
Compressed and packed into 70 litre bale.
Each bale contains approximately 140 litres, average bale dimensions are 500 mm x 350 mm x 350 mm

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Hardwood Chip – Full-Sized & Crushed

Category:Arenas & Tracks,Our Range

A larger reddish colored chip, similar in appearance and size to Jarrahwood chips.

Clean export quality. The chip can be crushed to order for racetracks/crossovers.

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Hardwood Screenings

Category:Arenas & Tracks,Our Range

Mid to dark coloured hardwood.   A little coarser than sawdust.
Moisture content and consistency vary.
Can be used for Arenas, tracks and pathways.

Limited Availability

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Potting Mix

Category:Our Range,Soil Mixes

An aged mixture of sand, sawdust and pine bark fines. Urea is used during the aging process to provide a nitrogen source.
Used by rose nurseries for potting roses.
More acidic than General Soil Mix, can be used for growing roses, ferns, azaleas and camellias.
May be used where a more free draining soil is required.

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General Soil Mix

Category:Our Range,Soil Mixes

An aged mixture of sawdust and sheep manure.
Can be used for vegetable gardens and general use when mixed in with existing soil.
Can be lightly applied to lawns for top dressing. Must be well watered in.
Unscreened product, may have some oversize material.

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How Much Will I Need

Category:Our Range


  • Bagged product is supplied in oat/pellet bag size containing 60 – 70 litres per bag.
  • Bulk product is sold by the cubic metre. A cubic metre is 1 metre x 1 metre x 1 metre and contains 1000 litres.
  • Product is spread by the square metre. A square metre is a 1 metre x 1 metre flat measurement.
  • Quantity of product required will depend upon the size of your area and the depth required.


  • To cover 12 square metres (i.e. 4 metres x 3 metres)
    you will require 1.2 cubic metres of product for every 10 cm of depth.
  • To cover 16 square metres (i.e. 4 metres x 4 metres)
    you will require 1.6 cubic metres of product for every 10 cm of depth.
  • To cover 20 square metres (i.e. 5 metres x 4 metres)
    you will require 2 cubic metres of product for every 10 cm of depth.


  • Quantity required will depend on size of arena and depth required.
  • To cover a 20 metre x 60 metre arena at a depth of 100 mm, you will require 120 cubic metres of product.


For general landscaping materials you will require a minimum of 1 cubic metre for each 15 square metres to be covered. This will give an average coverage of 65mm depth


Please remember that all these calculations assume an exact measurement, a level surface and loose filled uncompacted product, any variations will affect the coverage rate.